Sunday, June 29, 2003

... in which the fool is motivated to write a bit

Just received the billing statement for my mobile number. Apparently, I've exceeded the monthly allowance by over 300 pesos mostly because of GPRS connections. So far, I'm trying to calculate how Globe actually calculates the costs, but I'm getting frustrated. I'll have to find a way to cut costs for this month, or my dad'll kill me...

Schoolwork is piling up uncharacteristically this early in the semester. Well, not exactly typical lecture assignments or research projects, but rather LABwork. I was never too fond of electronics lab work, because I never understood how to work the oscilloscope -- the fancy equipment used to observe and record waveforms as it passes through a circuit. For some strange reason, even after two years, I still can't figure out what to record on the oscilloscope (of course, if my professors ever knew this, they'd be surprised) without someone to guide me. I'll have to do something about that, or else there's nothing I can do when I finally go to work...

Interestingly, despite all the schoolwork that I have to attend to, I can still find the time to read the books that I've borrowed from Charles. I guess that's what people mean by time management (although for my case, I think it has more to do with enthusiasm). Now that I'm done with the clan novels, I think its time to concentrate on schoolwork (or updating this journal, or maybe I can read the three dune prequel novels...).

I'm getting annoyed by my internet connection today. It keeps slowing down, despite the fact that I'm only alternating between three windows. I can't even get my yahoo account to function properly because of the slow down I'm experiencing...

That's it for the meantime, I can hear the PS2 calling to me. Schoolwork can wait, the PS2 can't (besides, I don't hear homeworks calling to me, and even if they did, I don't answer them on Sundays... hehehe...)


At 3:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have hit the mark. It seems to me it is very excellent thought. Completely with you I will agree.


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