Tuesday, August 19, 2003

... in which the fool goes to school on a holiday

Today is Quezon City Day -- its supposed to be a celebration for the city, although what they could possibly be celebrating, I have no idea. As usual, I never even bothered to inform the people at home that I would have no classes today, relying on the fact that they don't even know when Quezon City Day is. I've been thinking for several days for anything to do today, finally deciding last night to watch a movie after lunch.

Woke up to heavy rain this morning though, which made me re-think if I wanted to push through with my outing. Would I really want to go out today and get wet as I traveled everywhere but home?

That was a rhetorical question.

First stop for today was school... Just to see if there was anyone who went to school today for no particular reason. Besides, I can't think of anywhere else to go at 9AM... Malls aren't open yet at that time, and I wasn't really planning to spend my entire day in a coffee shop, at least, not before watching a movie and having lunch. Didn't see anyone though, so I simply settled for the school library to look for anything to read (my brother still hasn't brought his books to me, and I plan on reading Elbert's Neverwhere sometime else). I actualy wanted to stay in the computer terminals, but the building where the school computers were located was scheduled for fumigation. Not a total loss, but not a total gain either...

As I was planning to head over to Robinson's Metro East, I decided to stop by Hobby Stop to see what other gamers are doing. As usual, a lot of people were playing Ragnarok Online, though there were others still playing Warcraft III and Command and Conquer Generals. Actually, I was surprised over the weekend that there were still many people (in malls) playing Counterstrike... I tend to feel that game is passe...

Anyway, while I was in Hobby Stop, my mother suddenly called my mobile phone. Apparently, my brother came home and informed her what today was... So instead of being able to spend the rest of the day outside of the house, I was asked to come home (after I finished what I "was doing" of course). Good thing too... I was getting tired trying to think of what to do after watching a movie.

Last store to visit after I go to Robinson's, I passed by Chico's store just beside Tapa King, to see what other gamers were doing on holiday. Surprisingly, there was no one in the store other than his younger brother and Dadang from Gamer's Shop. I immediately decided to go to Ortigas with Dadang, instead of going to Robinson's alone (besides, I wasn't that interested in Finding Nemo). At least, I'd be with other people in Ortigas than all alone in Metro East. I planned to stay 'til 4PM at the latest, and board a bus home. However, it seemed that there weren't a lot of buses passing by the area, luckily, I found an empty taxi as I left the store. That took care of my transportation problems...

How much did I spend today? Around 700php I guess... I tried buying 2 booster packs of DC Heroclix in the hopes of finding a unique. Instead, I found several members of the JLA for my cousin, and not a single veteran figure (Veteran figures are those that are most "experienced" -- they're the most powerful/ current versions of a single hero/villain). Its a good thing that I still have my lab breakage fund to look forward to, at least whatever I spent today would be returned to me.

It has come to my attention that I've been stuffing myself all day long recently... I can see this unsightly amount of flesh on my abdominal region right now, something that has not existed in the past 5 years. That's what I get for eating out at every possible opportunity. Must find a way to get rid of all these flab. Perhaps I should attend Arnis training sessions to get into shape? Or perhaps start doing my personal workout again? If only I had enough time...

I learned recently that to obtain a 10% discount on A Different Bookstore shops, I would have to be able to spend 12k php within a year in their stores... Meaning, if I would ever want to buy a book there, I'm better off asking Charles to buy me something -- not only am I receiving a discount, but I'm also helping him finish his quota of 12k php a year (to maintain his discounts). I guess its easier to order through him than to try to get them at CCHQ...


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