Wednesday, June 01, 2005

... in which the Fool checks on his blog for a few minutes

Well, I'm planning on reviving this thing after over a year of inactivity. After all, I have free time again, and I might as well practice my writing skills. I understand that my command of the language is slipping, and there's no better solution for it than to practice again. For all those who've been looking into this site, well, rest assured that I'll try to update at least once a week for the next few months. That should keep my head out of those silly equations that I have to memorize day-in and day-out, and strangely enough, it should keep them in my long term memory. I'll explain some day else.

In the meantime, let me say welcome back to myself, and I hope I'll be able to entertain people. Again. If I did before.

Oh, and before I go, the wonderful idea of reviving this site came from my friend, Sweet, and all the other people who reminded me of this as well: Jobert, Charles, Jamie, Dennis... etc.

I'll be back soon.


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