... in which the Fool tries to juggle hobbies unsuccessfully
I never imagined how difficult engaging in multiple hobbies can be. I mean, I've always just categorized all my hobbies under the word "gaming" and ignored a lot of the terminologies and other stuff associated with them. After all, who'd be crazy enough to engage in all of them at the same time, right?
Well, look no more. I'm the fool who went out of his way to try to check up on all his hobbies at the same time. Aside from playing card games, and console games, and network games, and role-playing games, and what-not, I still check up on some of my other interests such as anime, manga, and other people's records. Granted, looking at other people's records isn't exactly stressful (one might even say that it's very... relaxing), but when your taskbar has several windows waiting on you, each one of them opened up to a specific site not related to everything else, well, sooner or later, you'd find just how difficult it is it concentrate your thoughts on just one single topic.
On the other hand, concentrating on only one particular subject will also force your mind to disregard every other unrelated topic. Which is irritating when you have a lot of topics to check up on.
Take for example today. I started with checking my email as usual, then proceeded to look at everybody else's blogs (which were relatively unmodified), then proceeded to open several windows, each dedicated to different games: one was on the Vs. card game, another was on Super Robot Wars, another was on D&D, another was on DotA, and yet another was on Naruto, the manga.
Everytime I switched from one window to the next, I could feel my brain going sideways, trying to understand what was happening, how the robots suddenly could perform team attacks at the opponents base while rolling d20's. Its disconcerting, I know. Much more when you realize that you understand everything that is happening, and then figure out that you're reading something else already, and convincing yourself that they're all not connected to each other...
Confusing? I'll bet. Think of it this way, you're watching a Disney cartoon about Cinderella, and all of a sudden while she's on her way to the ball, she finds that her coach, a dwarf that only knows how to whistle, is taking her on her way to Agrabah, while singing something about the Circle of Life. You understand everything that's happening, but can't really figure what's wrong, immediately...
Sigh, this must be what people call, brain-overload... Or something.
Right now, I'm trying to shake off the idea of Sakura being a 4-cost Naruto character with a super ability fighting off hordes and hordes of treants in Eberron... Brrr...
I think I'll just go back to my multiplexing lessons. Try to sort out the various input signals coming into my brain and making sure my cerebrum can receive each incoming data stream into the proper brain pocket...
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