Friday, June 20, 2003

... in which the fool is impressed with his high school

Since there were no classes today, I decided to go to my high school again to pass the time. I was surprised to see the fourth year classrooms on the ground floor of the high school building all sporting new air-conditioning units... I never imagined that CKSC would be willing to spend that much money for their students nowadays...

Heck, even ADMU can't afford to have air-conditioned rooms for all its buildings, despite the fact that there are more students in ADMU and they pay a higher tuition fee than CKSC... The new air-conditioned rooms make me feel like going back to high school, even for just a day, to experience what its like to have air-conditioned high school classrooms.

In the meantime, I might as well enjoy the computer terminals that they have in the library (I'm in the library as I'm typing this, and its quite relaxing here. Too bad the computer units that they're letting the students use aren't anything to write home about...). Students apparently have a 30 minute allowance to use the four units, only two of which have internet access. I guess the school authority believes that high school students don't have anything important to do with the computers...

I would like to agree though... the number of subjects that a high school student has to study for in a day would entail that each subject only require a small amount of research. Otherwise, the students might burn out from the stress that they are being subjected to...

If I have the time, I'd probably pass by the college building and see what they have there. Despite the fact that the college building has been finished for over 5 years now, I've never seen much of it, because I always forget to bring my alumni card that allows me to enter the college premises without any hassles.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Hello... Its been a long time since I wrote something down... I hope I still have what it takes to be entertaining to some people. Feel free to leave comments behind. Eventually, as I get used to writing again, I would guess that this journal would become better in the coming months.